b'The Rob and Melani Walton Foundation Funds Integrative MedicineWe see in our workwhether it is in conservation or healthcareeffective, at HonorHealth to Help Realizecreative solutions are too often disconnected from one another, explains Their Vision of a Multi-DimensionalMelani Walton. Eastern and Western Healthcare System medical traditions have been advancing P hilanthropy is a calling of thefor hundreds of years, but they are frequently seen as entirely separate approaches to health and wellness. Through Integrative Medicine practices like the kind HonorHealth provides, there heart and the Rob and Melaniis an opportunity to combine ancient wisdom and modern technology, to rethink Walton Foundations (RMWF)the building blocks of wellness from the vision to elevate people, planetspiritual to the physical, and to create a more powerful pathway forward.and purpose is changingHonorHealths Integrative Medicine primary the healthcare eco-system for HonorHealthcare practice revolves around the critical patients. With its recent gift in support ofrelationship between practitioner and patient. Founded on a model of health HonorHealth Integrative Medicine, RMWF isand wellness, as opposed to a model of creating a comprehensive and transformationaldisease treatment, integrative medicine combines a variety of disciplines, including approach for patients that allows humans andalternative and conventional Eastern and nature to interact and thrive, together. Western medical therapies, to provide safe, effective healthcare. This model includes Eastern and Western medical traditions have been advancing for hundreds of years, but they are frequently seen as entirely separate approaches to health and wellness.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 5'