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HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am 2024
HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am
Friday, April 25, 2025
Grayhawk Golf Club

Pro-Am Details

The HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am combines great play, great fun, and great causes.

Join us Friday, April 25, 2025, for a fabulous round of golf at Grayhawk Golf Club and the HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am, and support the HonorHealth Greatest Needs Fund.

Each golf team will be comprised of an amateur foursome plus a golf professional, and choose from a morning or afternoon shotgun start.

The tournament play will be a shamble format – the team will scramble to the best drive, then each player will play his/her own ball out through the hole. Players will compete in their skill level flight. Max Handicap at 18.

Professional golfers will play 36 holes and compete for a $20,000 purse!

Note, AM or PM shotgun start time preference is not guaranteed; priority choice will be granted based on sponsorship level.

Single and pair golfer entrants:
Due to overwhelming interest in Pro-Am participation, early registration is limited to foursome entries only. Single and pair entrants are welcome to add your name(s) to our wait list. We will contact all wait list entrants by April 4. Single or pairs registration is subject to availability, and participation cannot be guaranteed.

New scoring for 2025
All final scores will be calculated upon completion of the tournament, and winners will be announced the week of April 28. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each flight.

Event Schedule — Friday, April 25, 2025

Morning shotgun

6:00 am – 7:15 am
Morning registration and Grayhawk Concept Shop

Complimentary Bloody Mary and mimosa bar

7:30 am
Shotgun start, shamble format
Raptor & Talon Courses

Breakfast and lunch stations available throughout play

Afternoon shotgun

11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Afternoon registration and Grayhawk Concept Shop

Complimentary beer and margarita bar

1:15 pm
Shotgun start, shamble format
Raptor & Talon Courses

Lunch stations available throughout play

Thank You to our 2025 Pro-Am Golf Tournament Committee Co-Chairs
Mary Crowder and Michael Scott

HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am Committee
Debbie Allford, Community Volunteer
Carrie Bailes, Buehler
Jaye Cooper, Community Volunteer
Jeff Crowder, Johnson Controls
Patrick Fate, Devenney Group
Brett Fitzpatrick, Trademark Visual
Brett Gaboury, State Farm Insurance
Colin Gharrity, Vai Resort
Sally Harris, Community Volunteer
Jodi James, SDB Construction
Darryn Jones, Mortenson
Lisa Josephs, Northern Trust
Elissa Kelly, Archsol
Matthew Knapp, Archsol
Jason Light, Okland Construction
Cheryl Melocik, Community Volunteer
Ross Miljenovich, Source One Meds
Kyle Moeller, Lamar Advertising
Rick Murdock, HonorHealth
Alex Ramon, Bowman Ramon Design Group
Nayan Ranchhod, Silver Lining Wealth Advisors

Professional golfers
For the tournament registration, please contact Southwest Section PGA/Mike Martino
480-443-9002 Ext. 107 or

Sponsorship Opportunities

HonorHealth Foundation 2025 Pro-Am sponsorship packet (PDF)

Presenting Sponsor | $100,000
Three foursomes in the tournament
Top priority choice of morning or afternoon shotgun start
Listed as exclusive Presenting sponsor in all tournament promotional materials
Four Putting Challenge tickets per player
Listed as exclusive Presenting sponsor on all tournament signage
Corporate logo included on all tee signs on both courses
Corporate branded item for all player Tee Gift Packages
Onsite company display table in Registration Lobby Listed as exclusive Presenting sponsor on Foundation website and social media
Recognition in the Foundation’s donor recognition publication and on hospital donor walls

Majors Sponsor | $75,000
Two foursomes in the tournament
Top priority choice of morning or afternoon shotgun start
Listed as exclusive Majors sponsor in all tournament promotional materials
Two Putting Challenge tickets per player
Listed as exclusive Majors sponsor on all tournament signage
Corporate branded item for all player Tee Gift Packages
Onsite company display table in Registration Lobby
Listed as exclusive Majors sponsor on Foundation website and social media
Recognition in the Foundation’s donor recognition publication and on hospital donor walls

Masters Sponsor | $50,000
Two foursomes in the tournament
Top priority choice of morning or afternoon shotgun start
Listed as Masters sponsor in all tournament promotional materials
Two Putting Challenge tickets per player
Listed as Masters sponsor on all tournament signage
Corporate branded item for all player Tee Gift Packages
Foundation website and social media recognition
Recognition in the Foundation’s donor recognition publication and on hospital donor walls

Pro Golfer Purse Sponsor | $30,000
Two foursomes in the tournament
Top priority choice of morning or afternoon shotgun start
Two Putting Challenge tickets per player
Corporate logo on all Pro Golfer carts
Foundation website and social media recognition
Recognition in the Foundation’s donor recognition publication and on hospital donor walls

Caps Sponsor | $25,000 SOLD!
Two foursomes in the tournament
Top priority choice of morning or afternoon shotgun start
Two Putting Challenge tickets per player
Corporate logo on all official Pro-Am caps provided to more than 350 participants, staff, volunteers and sponsors
Foundation website and social media recognition
Recognition in the Foundation’s donor recognition publication and on hospital donor walls

Awards & Hospitality Sponsorships | $10,000, $12,500 or $15,000
Each Awards & Hospitality Sponsorship includes:
One foursome in the tournament
One Putting Challenge ticket per player
Corporate logo in choice of designated sponsorship area listed below
Foundation website and social media recognition

$15,000 Awards & Hospitality Sponsorships
Golf Carts Sponsor SOLD!
On Course Food Stations/Bars Sponsor
Beverage Carts Sponsor SOLD!

$12,500 Awards & Hospitality Sponsorships
Tee Gifts Sponsor
Photography Sponsor
Player Awards Sponsor

$10,000 Awards & Hospitality Sponsorships
Scoreboard Sponsor SOLD!
• Volunteer Shirts Sponsor
Valet Parking Sponsor SOLD!

Greens & Signage Sponsorships | $10,000 or $15,000
Each Greens & Signage Sponsorship includes:
One foursome in the tournament
One Putting Challenge ticket per player
Corporate logo in choice of designated sponsorship area listed below
Foundation website and social media recognition

$15,000 Greens & Signage Sponsorships
Bag Drop SOLD!
Pin Flags (2 available; 9 per course) SOLD!
Player Golf Carts
• Putting Challenge

$10,000 Greens & Signage Sponsorships
Chipping Green
Driving Range
Putting Green
Golf Hole Sinkers (4 available; 9 per course)

Foursome registration, Putting Challenge and raffle tickets

Single and pair golfer entrants:
Due to overwhelming interest in Pro-Am participation, early registration is limited to foursome entries only. Single and pair entrants are welcome to add your name(s) to our wait list. We will contact all wait list entrants by April 4. Single or pairs registration is subject to availability, and participation cannot be guaranteed.

Foursome Tee | $8,500
One foursome, morning or afternoon shotgun start (HonorHealth Foundation reserves the right to determine shotgun start time)
One Putting Challenge ticket per player

Eagle | $5,000
Two player entries in the tournament (subject to availability)
One Putting Challenge ticket per player

Putting Challenge Pack (5 tickets/5 putts) | $100
Test your putting skills with five chances to win a custom putter

Putting Challenge single (1 Ticket/1 putt) | $25
Test your putting skills with a chance to win a custom putter

Raffle Tickets Pack (5 tickets) | $100

Raffle Tickets (1 ticket) | $25

For sponsor opportunities and additional information, please contact:
Courtney Tjaden, AVP - Events Fundraising,

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Thank you to our HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am sponsors!